Get paid to write

Writing LGBTQ Content

1. pays $100 for pieces on bisexuality. Pitch critical thought pieces, personal identity essays, or news stories with a bisexual spin. Contact is Talia Squires,

2. Buzzfeed LGBT pays $200-300 an article, and they’re looking for powerful, emotional, personal pieces that pull at your heart. Contact Buzzfeed LGBT editor Shannon Keating,

3. Vice pay rate varies, starting at $200 per article. (Make sure to keep your piece under 1,200 words). Vice has a new(ish) LGBTQ editor who’s actively looking for LGBTQ identity pieces. Contact Tyler Trykowski,

4. Advocate pays $0-50 an article. Pitch op-ed and personal identity pieces. Contact Neal Broverman,

5. Pride is a sister site to The Advocate that serves LGBTQ millennials. Pay $0-50 an article as well.  Pitch fun list articles about sex, dating, and queer life, and personal identity pieces. Contact editor-in-chief Levi Chambers,, or deputy editor Tracy Gilchrist,

6. XoJane   pays $50 for It Happened to Me, which features personal queer identity pieces (mainly for women, but men, too). Contact editor Emily McCombs,

6. Bustle  pays $50-75 an article (depending on length) and features queer, personal identity pieces as well as queer lists. Submit completed articles for consideration instead of pitching. Contact features editor Rachel Krantz with submissions,

7. YourTango pays $50 an article for a variety of queer pieces about love, sex, and dating. (I’m currently writing a piece for them about why I love dating couples.) Contact Andrea Zimmerman directly with pitches,

8. cosmopilation pays $250-300 for personal identity pieces. They’re no longer “Old Cosmo” and don’t want pieces about how to please your man. They now want personal pieces about how you tried something out of the box, were scared to try it, but it paid off in the end by enhancing your relationship. Query sex and relationships senior editor Alex Drucker,

9. New york times Modern love reportedly pays up to $300 an article. Submissions should be complete between 1,500 and 1,700 words. The editor is Daniel Jones, and he will reply if interested or not within two months. Like it or not, it’s best to use the generic modern love submissions email at

10. Salon pays $100-200 an article and publishes some queer female pieces.

11. Mic has two paying sections that actively publish pieces about queer folks: Identities and Connections. They don’t want strictly personal identity pieces, but rather want pieces rooted in a larger cultural context with (many) quotes from people you’ve interviewed. Pay rate differs depending on the piece, so be prepared to negotiate. Average is around $100. Email editor EJ Dickson at with pitches and submissions. 

12. Upworthy pays $150-200 for short 500-word posts about LGBTQ topics. Use the form to submit your pitch.

13. The Daily Dot reportedly pays $50 an article but asks you to submit to, which is a blackhole. I’ve pitched a number of times and haven’t received a response. That said, Austin Powell is the managing editor, so if you can find his email, reach out to him directly. 

14. Everyday Feminism pays $75 an article, but they’re not always accepting unsolicited submissions. They want critical feminist, social justice-type pieces. 

15. Huffington post queer voices Ok, so you’re not going to get paid writing for the Huffington Post. But it gets a lot of traffic and can help boost your portfolio as an LGBTQ writer. Contact editor-in-chief Noah Michelson, at


where to sell short stories.

1. Amazon KDP  program is a great place for writers to put their short stories and get paid.

As a book seller, you can earn up to 70% of royalties, depending on the publishing option you choose from them. This program also offers publishing option for a wide variety of genres, which is not something you will always find from various publishers.

For example, some magazines will only publish particular kinds of genres and stories.

Amazon also has the biggest book market in the world, but you will still have to work hard to get your short story to stand out. 

2. The Three Penny Review is a literary magazine that generally publishes essays, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, memoirs and more.

They have various word count preferences for each of the type of stories they choose to publish, but they do pay for pieces they publish.

On the higher end, they can pay $400 pier piece, and for shorter ones (such as poems) $200. 

3. poets and writers have a few various ways to help writers make money.

One option is to pitch directly to the magazine, which you can do through their submission guidelines page. After that, they also have a subscription you can join to keep on top of various short shorty contests and other opportunities for other paid writing gigs.

4. One story : If you are looking to publish a short story, you have probably come across One Story as an option.

They only have a short window of time where they accept submissions, but they do pay $500 for 25 contributors copies. 

5. Clarkesworld Magazine mainly focuses on publishing short stories in the science fiction and fantasy world, but they also consider art, non-fiction, and other types of short stories, as well.

They currently pay $0.12/word, which is on the higher end of platforms that pay for short stories.

6. East of the web: Following the science fiction genre, East of the Web is currently accepting short stories that are at least 7.000 words. They currently have over 100,000 mobile devices that have their short story app installed, which can be good for your story to help reach a wider audience.

At the time of writing this, they are currently paying $0.05 per word to publish stories, but they are open to submissions of previously published stories, which not all places do. 

7. Flash Fiction online: If you love writing short stories that are between 500-1000 words, you will want to check out the Flash Fiction Online submission guidelines.

With Flash Fiction Online, you can expect to make $60 per accepted story. 

Business, career, and finance 

  1. B. Michelle Pippin pays $50-$150 for business-related articles
  2. Coaches Training Blog is looking for articles about coaching—business, life, career, and other kinds. Pay based on assignment
  3. Copyhackers pays $300-$1,000 for articles about copywriting, branding, running a business, and more. Read the submission guidelines carefully to pitch
  4. CEO Hangout will pay $50 if you pre-arrange it with the editor—send a pitch and negotiate payment before writing the article. They run posts about the CEO lifestyle, success stories, interviews, and other reported features of interest to business leaders
  5. HerMoney pays $150 for articles about women and money. They list a blackhole editorial@ email address, so take time to research which editor is best-suited for your topic. Start with Kathryn Tuggle, chief content officer
  6. Doctor of Credit pays $50 for personal finance articles that focus specifically on credit
  7. eCommerce Insiders pays $75-$150 for articles about online retailing
  8. FreelanceMom pays $75-$100 for posts about running a business as a busy parent
  9. FreshBooks (yup, that same freelancer invoicing site we recommend) pays $200 a post and up. They’ve removed their contributors page since we first published this article, but they still reportedly accept pitches from time to time for their blog
  10. Acorns has an online pub called Grow Magazine that pays $50+ for finance writing geared toward millennials. They don’t have guidelines posted, but they told me to submit to with the word STORY in your subject line. We don’t normally recommend those generic emails, but because the pub is still new, it might not be a huge black hole yet
  11. IncomeDiary pays $150-$300 for articles about making money online, including SEO, affiliate sales, and traffic generation
  12. Mirasee pays $200 for 1,000- to 2,000-word posts on marketing, business productivity, and growth topics. NOTE: Mirasee publishes guest articles by invitation only
  13. Modern Farmer reportedly pays around $350 for articles
  14. Priceonomics pays $250-$1,000 for articles on data and economics. The catch? Articles must be submitted on spec. They occasionally post requests for articles on specific topics, which might get you closer to that big paycheck
  15. RankPay pays $50 for articles about SEO, content marketing, and social media
  16. LiisBeth is all about feminist entrepreneurs. Study the guidelines, read past articles, and look at the About page and LiisBeth manifesto to get a feel for the audience. Pay depends on assignment
  17. Smart Blogger regularly invites writers to craft posts on content marketing and freelancing through its job board. Assignments typically pay $150 to $350. BONUS: Even when there aren’t current assignments available to write for Smart Blogger’s blog, the job board offers numerous paid writing opportunities from other sites


  1. Aish accepts first-person accounts on the positive influence of Orthodox Jewish beliefs on everyday life—and they reportedly pay $200 on publication. Know the frum life to succeed here, and email
  2. Hearst owns more than 200 magazines worldwide and many of them accept pitches and pay writers a minimum of $100. You can write for money about a wide variety of topics, but in order to pitch you must track down the individual magazine editors and review their calls for pitches
  3. Dame reportedly pays $350-$750 for essays. They do accept reported features and other article types, and pay rates may vary for those
  4. Brain Child Magazine publishes long-form essays on a wide range of topics. Pay is reported as $300 for 1,500 to 4,500-word essays
  5. The Establishment pays $125 and up for reported stories and essays
  6. Eureka Street is an Australian site that pays $200 for analysis or commentary on politics, religion, popular culture or current events in Australia and the world. They also pay $50 for poetry (check out our full guide to poetry jobs), which seems to be a rarity these days
  7. Guideposts reportedly pays $250 for Christian faith-based essays
  8. LightHouse pays $100 for uplifting essays by blind or visually-impaired writers
  9. Narratively reportedly pays $200-300 for 2,000- to 2,500-word essays on specific topics. Check their guidelines for a list of current needs
  10. The New York Times Modern Love column reportedly pays as much as $300 for essays on any topic that could be classified as modern love
  11. Skirt reportedly pays $200 for 300- to 800-word essays about women’s issues
  12. The Bold Italic might be a great fit if you’re from San Francisco or have a connection to the city. Past essay topics have included the gig economy, online dating, mental illness, and more. Pay is $50 per essay
  13. Vox reportedly pays in the $400 range for personal essays of about 1,500 words. Pitch
  14. Buzzfeed has an estimated 168 million unique visitors every month, and they publish a wide variety of topics to keep those visitors entertained and informed. Pay is reported to be between $0.13 and $0.27 per word. 

    Family and Parenting

    1. Just Parents is a UK-based site that focuses on pregnancy and parenting. They reportedly pay $60 per post
    2. posts non-snarky articles about parenting and family issues. Pay reportedly starts at $50
    3. Fatherly is looking for parenting advice and funny experiences with kids from a dad’s perspective. Pay based on assignment
    4. Well Family (the New York Times’ parenting blog) pays $100. Pitch the editor


    36. The Anxiety Foundation pays $50 for mental health articles

    37. The Atlantic’s online health section reportedly pays $200

    38. PsychCentral covers mental health. They don’t list a pay rate on their site, and they didn’t respond to our query about pay, but a reader on last year’s list reported they are a paying market. TIP: The website says they don’t pay, but exceptions are made if you discuss payment BEFORE submitting

    Lifestyle and General Interest

    39. BBC Britain doesn’t publish their pay rate, but I’ve seen reports of $350-$1,000 for various BBC sites. Pitch stories with a British slant for an international audience

    40. Bitch Magazine’s website pays for pop culture features. Pay is variable, so negotiate to get your desired rate

    41. BookBrowse pays for book reviews! Writers accepted into their stable of reviewers will earn a reported $50 for a 600-word review

    42. Adoptive Family accepts pitches on all aspects of the adoption process. Pay based on assignment

    43. The Daily Beast reportedly pays $250 and up. Their submission guidelines have a black-hole editorial@ email address, so you’ll want to do a little digging to find the right person to pitch

    44. Backpacker is all about wilderness hiking. Pay based on assignment

    45. getAbstract reportedly pays $300 for longer (2,000-4,000 word) book summaries

    46. Gothamist pays $50-$150 for reported pieces about New York when the publication is open for submissions

    47. Backstage is a resource for performing artists. Pay is reported at $0.14/word – pitch Briana Rodriguez, Editor-in-Chief, on LinkedIn

    48. The International Wine Accessories blog pays $20 and up for articles

    49. The Conversation doesn’t publish their rates, but it’s reported by our community that they pay well

    50. Knitty raised their rates to $300 for articles about knitting and knitting patterns. They also have a sister site—Knittyspin—for knitters who like to use handspun yarn

    51. Lifezette reportedly pays $100-$200 for articles on parenting, politics, faith, health, and pop culture. Contact the appropriate editor with your idea. NOTE: Lifezette has removed their editorial contact page so you’ll have to do some digging

    52. Listverse pays $100 for long (1,500 word) lists on various topics

    53. New York Observer pays $100 on posts about politics and culture for “sophisticated readership of metropolitan professionals”

    54. OZY does allow freelancers to write for money, but rates vary

    55. Paste reportedly pays $50+ for submissions in many different areas

    56. Playboy reportedly pays up to $350, depending on the topic. NOTE: Playboy has removed their editorial contact page so you’ll have to do some digging

    57. Pretty Designs covers fashion and beauty. You’ll need to negotiate per-post pay

    58. Refinery29 reportedly pays $75 and up for slideshows, articles, and essays on various topics. They also post their needs for specific columns on their guidelines page

    59. Salon pays $100-$200 for essays and reported features, even very long ones

    60. Smithsonian Magazine Online reportedly pays established freelancers up to $600 for reported articles

    61. The Tablet pays for articles on Jewish news, ideas, and culture. Pay varies, so be prepared to negotiate. I saw a report of $1,000 for a heavily reported 2,000+ word feature

    62. Upworthy reportedly pays $150-$200 for 500-word posts

    63. Vice‘s pay rate varies, so you will need to negotiate if you’d like to write about food, technology, music, fashion, and other lifestyle topics

    64. YourTango reportedly pays $50 for posts on love, sex, travel, mental health, and just about anything else that affects your relationships


    65. A List Apart covers web design. They reportedly pay $200 per article

    66. The Graphic Design School blog pays $100-$200 for articles and tutorials about Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and open source design tools. NOTE: This site has removed its submission guidelines page, and it’s not clear whether they still take guest posts

    67. Linode reportedly pays $250 for articles about Linux,, NoSQL databases, game servers, Open Change, and Web RTC

    68. SitePoint reportedly pays $100-$150 for articles on HTML, CSS, Ruby, PHP, web development and more

    69. SlickWP reportedly pays $100 for posts about WordPress and the Genesis Theme framework

    70. Tuts+ pays $100 and up for tutorials on various technologies, including web design and Flash. Tuts once ran a network of 16 different blogs, including Freelance Switch, but now it’s all together on a single site that encompasses design, gaming, photography, writing, and more

    71. WordCandy reportedly pays $0.06 to $0.10 cents per word for ghostwritten pieces about WordPress—these will appear on some of the larger WordPress blogs, such as wpmudev

    72. WPHub reportedly pays $100-$200 for posts on web design trends, coding best practices, and other WordPress-related topics

    Travel and Food

    73. Expatics serves U.S. expatriates. This is another site where you’ll need to negotiate pay before you write your article

    74. Fund Your Life Overseas reportedly pays $75 for articles about business ideas that provide enough income for U.S. ex-pats

    75. Saveur reportedly starts at $150 for “amazing stories about food and travel”

    76. The Salt (NPR’s food blog) reportedly pays $200+


    77. ClearVoice is a platform to connect bloggers with brands in various niches, as well as commissioning posts for its own blog. Pay is variable but ranges as high as $250-$400 from what we’ve seen so far. When you apply, you set the rates you’re willing to accept; then, the platform emails you when appropriate opportunities arise. It’s not a bid site—fees are preset. But gigs are presented to multiple writers, and then the client chooses who they’ll work with. Luckily, there’s no elaborate application process, once your profile is set, you simply reply that you’re interested, and they let you know if you win the job

    78. Contently pays about 35 cents a word for their freelancer-focused online magazine

    79. Freedom with Writing pays $50-$150 for lists of paying publishers. They also pay for short ebooks, so there is an option for longer-form content too

    80. Make a Living Writing. That’s right, this blog pays for guest articles, starting at $150, depending on complexity and research needed. Be sure to read our guidelines thoroughly, especially our list of the topics we’re actively looking for guest posts on right now. Pitching one of those will seriously improve your odds!

    81. WOW! Women on Writing pays $50-$150

    82. The Write Life pays for some posts, starting at $150 

    Tips for successful pitching

    Before you pitch any of these sites, read the guidelines carefully and study the posts they’ve already run. Make sure you either have a fresh topic or a new way of exploring an issue they’ve covered before.

    Paying markets are more competitive than posting on free sites. And the more bad pitches a site receives, the likelier they will reconsider whether they even accept guest posts, let alone pay for them. (Believe me, this happens, and it is the reason some sites we’ve listed before are no longer accepting pitches.)

    Need help learning how to pitch a paying guest post?

All of this info came from , you can also write for them @ Write for us        

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